Important Notices & Accommodations
AODA Accommodations
IHSA is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all customers who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our goods or services. Individuals requesting accommodation are asked to advise IHSA of the nature of accommodation that is required by contacting Customer Service at 1-800-263-5024.
New Requirements for COR® 2020
As of January 1, 2023, all COR® audits must be completed using AuditSoft. This digital tool will help you conduct quicker, easier COR® audits and use data to continuously improve your OHSMS. It is an electronic version of the COR® 2020 Audit Tool. For more information about AuditSoft click here.
To download the AuditSoft user guide click here.
This course has a prerequisite, so online registration is not available. Please contact a Customer Service Representative at 1-800-263-5024 to register.
Program Description
This one-day program is designed to assist an organization’s Certificate of Recognition (COR®) Internal Auditor in successfully planning, performing, summarizing, and submitting the COR® Audit.
This workshop-based program provides an opportunity for the participant to apply their knowledge of the COR® Audit Tool to exercises based on scenarios and case studies and to practice all four phases of the COR® Audit process:
1. Prepare
2. Perform
3. Summarize
4. Submit
Participants must have taken Basic Auditing Principles before taking COR® Internal Auditor. Since the program content is connected, this will provide the best opportunity to understand the COR® requirements.
For complete details on how to achieve COR®, visit our Steps to Achieve COR® webpage.
Program Content
Overview of the COR® Audit Tool
Pre- and Post-Audit Meetings
COR® Audit Practice
Summarizing Findings
Writing an Audit Report
Completing an Action Plan
Requirements for Submitting the COR® Audit
Who Should Attend?
The full-time permanent employee who has been designated as the organization’s COR® Internal Auditor.
Basic Auditing Principles (1 Day)
Did You Know?
This course is also required for the National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO) designation.
Price Per Participant at
IHSA Facility
Total Course Price at
Your Facility
Program Duration
1 Day
Member Fee
Member Fee
Max Participants
Non-member Fee
Non-member Fee